Michigan District of Key Club

District Board Applications: Due by March 1st
District Bulletin Editor
The District Bulletin Editor publishes our Wolverine Key, as well as newsletters to District Board. They also carry out communication, coordination, and the monitoring of tasks with clubs that relate to the position.
Turn in an MRF by the 10th of every month
Publish 3-4 issues of the Wolverine Key and publish newsletters for updating Bulletin editors and the district board
Maintain and update the official district website
Maintain constant communication with the District and Executive Board
Be an active member of your District Committee
Complete all individual directives assigned of you by the District Governor and Administrator
District Treasurer
The District Treasurer works with the District Administrators to develop budgets for the year, and also publishes newsletters to District Board and the rest of the District regarding dues.
Publish a newsletter consisting of dues updates monthly to all members of Michigan District Board.
Work with Assistant District and District Administrator to develop budgets for Fall Rally, SLC, and a general one.
Produce a financial report at all board meetings related to the budget and statues of dues paid clubs in the district.
Maintain constant communication with the District and Executive Board
Be an active member of your District Committee
Complete all individual directives assigned of you by the District Governor and Administrator
Lieutenant Govenor
Lieutenant Governors act as a liaison between the District Board and the individual Key Clubs in their division. They do this by getting the district-wide resources to their Key Clubs and get information to the District board.
Turn in an MRF by the 15th of every month
Publish at least 10 newsletters
Maintain constant communication with the District and Executive Board
Be an active member of your District Committee
Complete all individual directives assigned of you by the District Governor and Administrator
Open Positions*:
LTG Division 1
LTG Division 2
LTG Division 3
LTG Division 4
LTG Division 5
LTG Division 6
LTG Division 9
LTG Division 10
LTG Division 11
LTG Division 14
LTG Division 15
*The candidate from the division that they apply for will be considered first than someone applying outside of the division (easier communication)
Committee Chairs
Committee Chairs serve to further the goals of the Michigan District through their designated committee. They will work with the rest of their committee to fulfill the directives for the 23-24 service year.
Turn in an MRF by the 15th of every month
Adhere to your specific role as chair and work on bettering the clubs that need aid that pertains to your role
Maintain constant communication with the District and Executive Board
Accomplish other goals set by your committee as a whole.
Complete all individual directives assigned of you by the District Governor and Administrator
Open Positions:
Kiwanis Family Relations Chair
Membership Development Chair
Projects Chair
New Club Building Chair
International Partners and Promotion Chair
Events Co-Chairs